The battle Of Yuga

Adhyaya - १

A few thousand years ago, a ceaseless battle raged between the Devas and Asuras. Amidst this conflict, humanity fell victim to unforgiving assaults by Asuras. They terrorized humans and relentlessly attacked them, not only men but women and children as well. Vulnerable against them, the humans sought the protection of Devas, who answered their prayers.

Ah, the cruel dance of war. A dance that knows no boundaries, no rules, no mercy, and leaving nothing but destruction and despair in its wake. But amidst this chaos, there are those who rise, those who fight, those who refuse to bow down. One such person was Vashyant, a protagonist in this epic saga, who had fought countless relentless battles without breaking a sweat. However, this battle was different... and the nightmare of that fateful day continued to haunt him. Once again, he found himself trapped in a dreadful nightmare.

"Help me! Please... Do not abandon me. This agony... This pain... Arghhhh!! Vashyant, I beseech you. Help me... Kill me..."

Awakening with a nightmare, Vashyant found himself drenched in sweat, his body quivering, his heart pounding, his throat as dry as a desert, It's as if Agni, the fire god himself, decided to take a vacation in his throat, hastily, he approaches a nearby earthen pot and quenches his thirst before embarking on his morning routine. Ah, the joys of waking up to a nightmare. Nothing like a bit of existential crisis to kickstart the day, right?

Yet, seeking comfort has always been a universal desire, isn't it? And the best way to find it is to immerse oneself in some overwhelming task or intense training. Vashyant was no different. He entered a nearby forest, engaging himself in his daily workout. Moving through a series of 108 Surya Namaskars, various yogic asanas such as Ardha Chakrasana, Vajrasana, Mayurasana and numerous sets of sit-ups & pushups he still found himself unfocused and distracted.

Returning to his Kutiya, Vashyant found himself lost in thoughts, absent-mindedly collecting firewood, fruits, and herbs, as he had been doing for the past week. The kutiya had been graciously provided to him by a Sage who had offered him refuge in exchange for performing menial tasks and other miscellaneous chores. Despite the passing days, Vashyant had not engaged in any conversation with the Sage. However, on that particular day, as he returned, the Sage broke their usual silence. Looking at Vashyant thoughtfully, he calmly interrupted his chain of thoughts with a gentle voice.

"Vashyant, my son, please sit," said the Old Sage, his tone filled with concern. "I can see deep distress clouding your eyes. The sparkle of joy and hope seems to have disappeared from them. I know you've been reluctant to share your worries, but I encourage you to trust me. Unburdening your heart and gaining understanding is often the first step to finding peace." He stated.

But our Vashyant remained fearful of his past demons. Reluctantly, he allowed himself to be led by the Old Sage's compassionate gaze and genuine concern, taking a seat in front of him, still guarded and hesitant. He was unsettled by the way the Sage gazed at him, as if he could peer right through his soul, rather than merely observing their outer structure.

In a dull tone, Vashyant stated, "I am grateful for your concern Sage, but the depths of my suffering are not easily unveiled. The weight I carry in my heart is immense and I am unwilling to burden others with it."

The Old Sage responded in a composed manner, "Vashyant, wounds that remain hidden fester in the shadows grow more potent with time. Sharing your anguish with a compassionate ear can begin the process of healing.”

Vashyant was torn between the desire to unload his pain and the fear of exposing his vulnerability, his eyes darting around. While nervousness tightens its grip, he clenched his fist, feeling the tension in his body.

Upon seeing his nervousness the Old Sage commented: "Consider this Vashyant," the Old Sage continued, "The pain you carry is already known to you. By sharing it, you grant it the opportunity to transform and lessen its grip on your soul. There is untold strength in vulnerability, son."

Vashyant took a deep breath, summoning his courage. "Hmmm," he began, pausing for a moment before continuing, "I will trust your wisdom and seek peace by sharing my darkest moments. Yet, I ask for your empathy and discretion, as the tale I am about to reveal still fills me with regret for the consequences it brought."

The Old Sage listened intently, offering a gentle nod of understanding, "The scars of battle run deep, my child. It is natural to feel the weight of your past burdens. But know that you are not alone in this struggle. There is always hope for healing."

Apart from their extraordinary abilities, the sages were renowned for their exceptional listening skills during that era. They possessed the remarkable ability to attentively listen in a single position for days without wavering. Sheesh, I wish I had someone like that.

He took a deep breath and sucked every ounce of that mountain’s oxygen… sorry, I couldn’t resist. His voice quivered with suppressed emotions as he began to share the haunting incident, letting the words flow from the depths of his being. He unleashed:

"Few years ago, I fought the decisive battle against Asuras alongside Devas. In this battle, despite the Deva's annihilating the groups of Asuras, their relentless numbers overwhelmed us. The battlefield was a horrific display of chaos, bloodshed, and dread, with death itself casting a chilling shadow. Battle cries, clashes of metal, and anguished screams filled the air from all directions. And then that bloody chariot…” he sighed as he recalled those memories.

The recollection of the chariot choked Vashyant’s voice. Semi-burnt bodies of his fellow soldiers flashed before his eyes, along with their melting flesh. The emotional whirlwind of anger, regret, and sadness overtook Vashyant, pushing him to his edge.

“AsurRaj (Asur King), Kaalraktaasur rode the battlefield on his cursed chariot, pulled by two shadowy horse-like figures.”

Kaalraktaasur was a 17 ft tall humongous creature. His entire body was covered in red animal skin, starting from his left shoulder and extending all the way to his right abdomen and a leather-cotton mixed cloth covering his groin. And his chariot was an object of damnation, radiating an aura that burnt everything in its vicinity to ash. Wherever the chariot turned, death followed. he was the epitome figure of the Asuras and the reason behind the gruesome bodies laid to waste on that battlefield.

“With the battle-axe in his left hand, he rode as a messenger of death, incinerating everyone in his path. The aura of the chariot affected even the Devas, indicated by the half-burnt heads of a few brave heavenly soldiers scattered around the trail of the chariot. And his weapon, the battle axe, an ancestral relic. Crafted from the bones of the fallen AsurRaj and imbibed with Chhaya (demonic energy), the axe was a weapon of destruction. It could not only suck Prana (life force) out of its target but also create a doppelganger of selected targets with double their strength. This was the source of the never-ending Asura army. Each strike creates a clone stronger than heavenly soldiers and replenishes their numbers.”

“The battles would drag on for days, due to the endless horde of Auras, eventually forcing the Devas to retreat. AsurRaj was wreaking havoc in that battle again. The Devas had fought against Kaalraktaasur before, but this time was unlike any other. Kartikeya valiantly pierced through the Asuras urging the Devas to take decisive action against the accursed chariot. While Chandra Dev agreed, he was hesitant to act. Surya Dev warned us of the battle axe's dangers. We couldn't afford to lose any more lives, as it would undoubtedly tip the scales in favor of the Asuras.”

“Amidst this uncertainty and deliberation, I addressed the group: We all know that AsurRaj's chariot is his greatest advantage, making him nearly untouchable. But what if we could remove that advantage?”

“As my readiness was mocked by Surya Dev, I boldly declared - “ It was you, fellow Devas, who repeatedly faced AsurRaj and retreated. Surya Dev, once I deprive him of 60% of his power, even Kaalraktaasur will be compelled to kneel before me. I merely requested clearance to launch a direct assault” With approving nods, Kartikeya and Indra Dev engaged the Asuras, clearing a path for me to reach AsurRaj."

Despite being aware of Vashyant's extraordinary abilities and unparalleled powers, it was incredibly difficult for the Devas to place their trust in a mere mortal and follow his commands. However, our Vashyant was no ordinary human, was he?

He continued the tale “I rode forth at full speed, positioning myself atop my horse, crouching, and leaping towards Kaalraktaasur with Samsara raised above my head, coming down on him with full force.

“After coming in contact with the chariot’s aura, my horse rotted away, leaving behind a carcass. Our weapons clashed, sending sparks flying and creating a resounding boom. I gritted my teeth and pressed forward, mustering all my strength to create a hairline fracture in the joint of the battle axe.”

Well, Vashyant is indeed a cold-hearted and emotionless person, he didn't even feel sorry for his own horse, I know, I know warriors are known for their sacrifices... but if I were him I would've cried for hours.

“To my surprise, AsurRaj wore a sinister grin as he seized me by the throat, suspending me mid-air. I struggled to breathe as his grip tightened, tearing away layers of flesh and exposing my muscles. Even with my formidable abilities, I knew the aura was deadly. The memory of his words echoed relentlessly in my ears.”

“I’m impressed. Even after entering the chariot’s aura, you are alive. But did you truly believe you could defeat me, weak human?” taunted Kaalraktaasur, relishing in his dominance. With a surge of force, he flung me out of his cursed chariot, hurtling through the air until I collided with the ground below. I flew through the air, My body slamming hard into the ground, sending dust and dirt flying in all directions. My pride could not handle the humiliation."

“I VASHYANT WILL BE YOUR DEATH, KAALRAKTAASUR, " I roared boastfully. I knew he would come back to confront me. And evidently, I was right as I saw him jump off his chariot and walk towards me. With a wave of his hand, AsurRaj conjured a massive veil made of Chhaya, cutting out anyone’s entry or exit for several miles, ensuring that no one would interrupt our battle”

“My broadsword clashed with his battle-axe, as the sharp edges ground against each other. I swung my weapon, feigning a direct attack while aiming for his legs. However, he anticipated the move and quickly countered, punching me hard in the stomach while sidestepping. I struck again but was countered by his axe. He deflected all my attacks with ease. He showered me with kicks and punches, while laughter filled the air and stated, “ You are so weak that even your clone would be just a waste.”

“That was it. I was consumed by rage, forget about using full power, now I knew that I wanted to beat him to a pulp with my own hands. The strength he had mocked would be truly unleashed on him... With the words - ‘Pravaja Muthyunjayam’ AsurRaj’s 60% strength assimilated into me, draining him of his powers.”

A face and a name to kill someone....hmmm…i think I've read it somewhere??

Vashyant clenched his fists as he continued his narration. A small burst of elation was now beginning to show in his voice and expression.

"With more than half his strength gone, Kaalraktaasur struggled to even lift his battle-axe firmly. I moved in and swiftly inflicted a deep wound across his torso, keeping up the momentum. I thrust my broadsword into his stomach, inflicting a fatal wound. AsurRaj could not even counter my attacks as he did before. Filled with anger, I unleashed a fury of attacks. Some hit their mark while others were parried. The hindrance caused by the axe annoyed me, so I decided to take care of it first. Bringing down my broadsword with full swing, I cracked it with brute force along the earlier damaged juncture."

“AsurRaj’s battle axe was broken. His doppelganger soldiers faded away and the Devas, sensing the situation, started preparing to capture AsurRaj. Back in the veil, I was wreaking havoc on Kaalraktaasur. One critical hit after another was starting to land, weakening him. With a side swing, I hit his head, causing a concussion, and with his defence down, impaled the broadsword right through his chest.”

“The veil came down within seconds as the Mighty Kaalraktaasur fell on his knees before me. The Devas who were waiting for this moment spur on the action. The fiery shackles were summoned by Surya Deva, binding AsurRaj, while the intoxicating sand magic was dissipated by Chandra Dev to put him in a trance. An enchanted circle was prepared around AsurRaj by Kartikeya, slowly eating away the power of the mighty Kaalraktaasur and restraining him. Meanwhile, I was giving him a payback with my fists, leaving his beard and my hand covered in black fluid.”

“AsurRaj was restrained by the Devas as Indra Dev arrived. He humiliated AsurRaj by saying, What do we have here? The mighty Kaalraktaasur bound in chains? Surya Dev, please ensure he is comfortable, as I've heard he doesn't like loose chains."

“Surya Dev laughed and tightened the chains while the other gods taunted him. However, their taunts and jeers fell on deaf ears as AsurRaj remained unflinching. Despite being bound, he remained as calm as the surface of the ocean. His gaze speared me, filled with pure evil and a dark abyss.”

“Enraged, Indra Dev marched towards the shackled Kaalraktaasur. AsurRaj’s defiance was enraging him to an immeasurable extent. The act of being ignored by AsurRaj intensified Indra Dev's anger. To teach Kaalraktaasur a lesson in obedience, Indra Dev decided to attack the pride of Asurs, their large Horns. With an ominous smile, he spoke, You Asurs hold your so-called pride in these Horns of yours, right? Let me show you the consequences of defying the King of Devas.”

“After saying this, both horns were held and an attempt was made to break them with force. However, when it was observed that the horns did not even budge, lightning was called forth and channelled through Kaalraktaasur's horns, leaving him in agony. Then, the horns were snapped from the base by applying full strength. Kaalraktaasur let out a heart-stopping scream, causing the heartbeat of everyone around to quicken.”

Regaining composure and sighing, he said with a smile, “Have you forgotten that I cannot be killed? And how long do you think these chains can keep me bound? Said kaalraktaasur, But a surprise awaited him. Indra Dev chanted some Mantras, summoning a golden lighter into his hands. The lighter was then handed over to Kartikeya, and the Devas were asked to start sealing AsurRaj in it.”

The Golden Lighter wasn’t a divine weapon. In fact, it was a device constructed into existence by the God of Architecture, Vishwakarma. This remarkable device held the power to achieve extraordinary feats. Yet, to the Devas, it was nothing more than a mere vessel—a means to confine and seal the mighty AsurRaj, Kaalraktaasur.

“The monster was being sealed in the lighter by the Devas. Meanwhile, I, an arrogant fool, could not keep my distance from him. Being proud of my accomplishment and conceitful of my I approached the bound AsurRaj.”

Vashyant's voice underwent a change, leaving its calm and slightly elated tone to be consumed by anxiousness. Remorse flooded his eyes as he struggled to recall the subsequent events. His throat choked up and his lips trembled. With each beat, his heart raced, forcing him to take deep breaths. The mere thought of reliving that scenario filled him with dread. He clenched his hair and pulled it as if trying to forget those haunting memories.

Upon seeing this, the Old Sage spoke in a calming and appealing tone, saying, "I truly understand. Journeying along a path adorned with thorns is undeniably challenging. However, sometimes, when we bravely explore deep into the forest, we stumble upon the most beautiful rose. Its beauty transcends the mere physical realm and touches the depths of our souls. It's when we face challenges head-on that we unlock the door to discovering the profound and extraordinary aspects of life."

Summoning all his strength, Vashyant managed to compose himself enough to continue, his voice still trembling.

“I was sneered at by Kaalraktaasur, as he cursed me for his capture and expressed his disgust at how humans bow down to the Devas in exchange for wealth and heavenly pleasures. He condemned me for being ignorant of the cause and reason, and for killing his kin.

“In response, I retorted: You, an Asur, talking about compassion? Do you remember how many humans you and your filthy vermin slaughtered? How many women and children have you abducted, with not even their bones to be found later? Allow me to share a secret since you are as good as dead anyway. Wealth? Fame? Heavenly pleasures? None of these matter to me. Do you know what motivates me to fight you fiends? Take a look at the cheering faces of these warriors. They are my strength, They are my brothers, They are what I fight for.”

"And Sage, this is my biggest regret. Pride and a sense of accomplishment consumed me to such an extent that I failed to perceive AsurRaj's chants. I mistook them for yet other curses he would yell at me for bringing him to his demise. I couldn't resist the temptation to mock him and his kin. In that fateful moment, my ego clouded my judgement, and I succumbed to the allure of derision. Each day, I grapple with the torment of my cursed fate, questioning why I allowed my arrogance to overshadow me so completely.”

“The weight of my regret presses upon me, an unrelenting burden that I cannot escape. I wish with every fibre of my being that I had chosen restraint instead of indulging in boastfulness that day. Sleepless nights and haunting nightmares serve as constant reminders of the dire consequences borne from thoughtless actions.”

“And forever etched into the depths of my mind is Kaalraktaasur's smirking smile. His final words reverberate within me, stripping away everything I held dear. That sentence plagues my waking hours, a relentless torment. The words he whispered, each one dripping with venom: 'I'll collect the rest of your debt later.'"

To Be Continued...
